No Personal Peace and Freedom? Wrong Filter!

Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever]” Romans 8:6 (AMP).

Before the fall, Adam and Eve’s personal peace was off the charts. Their joy was full. Their love for each other was pure. Their relationship with God was perfect.

How did the first humans maintain such a perfect existence?

I believe they had on the RIGHT filter – a spiritual mechanism God had given them to utilize forever. This filter would allow them to live in UNION with His Spirit. And UNION with God was required. Otherwise, they could not have access to the supernatural power, strength, and understanding needed to live in a state of uninterrupted peace and perfection.

We know the story didn't exactly end well for these first human beings. But there is a lot we can glean from the way God set them up. What we learn will help us live better, more peaceful, more productive lives while we are here on earth.

The Bible teaches that we humans have three parts: a body, a soul (mind, will, and emotions), and a spirit. It also teaches that one or the other of our intangible parts (either the soul or the spirit) is the “filter” through which the life “coming at us” flows. In other words, your “filter” is the intangible part of you that dominates the others. You can’t see it or touch it. But you know it’s there. (See Romans 8:6.)

In our fallen world, the soul is all too often our dominant part.  When it’s in control, it tells our spirit and body what to do. Because it’s dominant, it’s the part through which the life “coming at us” passes. You probably know already that living life with this filter on can get you into some big trouble.

To the contrary, Adam and Eve’s filter was their spirit, their “God” part, the part that made them like Him in the first place, that is, “made in His Image.” (Genesis 2:7) So God blew His breath (that is, His spirit) into them because He knew it would be the perfect filter. He knew this spirit would never get dirty and never need “changing.” He also knew it would be the perfect bridge into UNION with Him.

Adam and Eve lived in UNION with God because their spirits (their “God” parts) were “joined” to HIs Spirit – a supernatural and powerful connection that created a kind of “funnel” effect. In other words, everything that came at them in life went “through” this supernatural connection. This spirit-to-Spirit connection is what allowed them to enjoy the perfect life:

Freedom from agitation and discord. Bliss. Completeness. Fullness. Health. Harmony. Perfectness. Prosperity. Rest. Safety. Security. Tranquility. Wellness. Wholeness. Everything paid in full. Nothing owed. Peace.

Now when Adam and Eve fell into sin, everything changed. Whereas before the fall, life had been filtered through their spirits (and the connection to God’s Spirit), after the fall, their souls (mind, will, and emotions) became the dominant part. The spirit-to-Spirit connection was broken. The soul had become the “default” filter through which life passed.

But the soul was tainted by sin. It was a dirty filter!

What came after that? No personal peace. No relationship with God. No fully functioning relationships with other people. Murder. Strife. Greed.

And this is why we must now take personal responsibility. We must get our body, soul, and spirit back into proper alignment so our spirit can function properly and effectively, as God intended. Our spirit must become the default filter, the bridge to UNION. Our spirit is the RIGHT filter!

When our spirit dominates the soul, life passes through a filter that processes things correctly. Then our souls are free to manifest peace, love, and joy. We are powerful and effective change agents in a turbulent world!

So turn to God, embrace His ways, His will, and His Son. He will send you the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will “join” your spirit to His, creating UNION with Him, just as in the beginning.

"But the person who is united to the Lord becomes one sprit with Him." 1 Corinthians 6:17 (AMP)

THE POINT: Personal peace, freedom, and power cannot be manufactured apart from UNION with the Holy Spirit.

The production of these and other divine attributes begins when we become AWARE of this union. It continues as we REMAIN aware of this union.

“Now it’s time to be made new by every revelation that’s been given to you. And to be transformed as you embrace the glorious Christ-within as your new life and live in union with him!” Ephesians 4:23-24 (TPT).

YouTube Video: To hear Emily explain further the interconnectedness of man’s body, soul, and spirit click here.

(In the video, she lays out the factors that most often inhibit an awareness of our spirit’s UNION – or potential union – with the Holy Spirit. She also explains how these blocks can be removed so a life of peace, power, and freedom can be experienced.)


The Be-All-End-All, God’s Redeeming Love


A Person of Interest